Newlands School

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Newlands School

We have a couple of vacancies across our team. For further information and to apply please go to the Our Team - Vacancies page

  1. Our Teams
  2. Our Community
  3. Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and Language Therapy

We have input in school from both the NHS speech and Language team, and Everyone Communicates


NHS team

The children’s speech and language therapy team is part of the wider Children’s Integrated Community Health Service providing care and support for the residents of Heywood, Middleton, and Rochdale.

Children and young people aged 0-19 can access our service if they require support with their communication and/or feeding.  

We provide

  • Assessment, goal setting and practical advice  
  • Evidence-based group and/or individual therapy   
  • Education and management advice for parents/carers including sign posting  
  • Therapy programmes to be implemented by parent/carers and teaching staff  
  • Advice, practical support, and strategies to educational settings  
  • Support and advice for language development in home language 

NHS SALT: Nicole Donaghy


 Everyone Communicates

Everyone Communicates Ltd provides independent Specialist Speech and Language Therapy services for Special Schools in the North West of England.

We work collaboratively with our schools to ensure that children’s communication needs are met at the most appropriate level. Joint working and fully integrating communication strategies into the classrooms are key to securing the best outcomes for the children.

At Newlands School we believe communication is at the heart of our learning. Communication support is provided for all students at Newlands within our specialist educational setting. 

Universal Provision at Newlands:

Available in all areas of school for all students.

  • Core vocabulary boards in all areas of school
  • Interactive visual timetable of the day in all classes
  • Regular staff training sessions on communication strategies
  • On site independent Speech and Language Therapist from Everyone Communicates
  • Dedicated Communication Team
  • Use of Signalong across the school
  • Visual supports around school to aid understanding and expression of language
  • Objects of reference, symbols and photographs on doors and in classrooms for key transitions
  • Staff core vocabulary lanyards
  • Use of Zones of Regulation across school
  • Sensory regulation/movement breaks offered throughout the day and as required
  • Total communication environment where all attempts and forms of communication are acknowledged and supported

Targeted Provision at Newlands:

Input targeted towards individual student’s needs but continues to be met at a classroom level.

  • Joint target setting between teachers and Speech and Language Therapist
  • TEACCH strategies for identified students
  • Intervention groups e.g. AAC club, Brick Club
  • SaLT programmes carried out by TAs
  • Personalised AAC systems used in class
  • Class based interventions and strategies supported by Speech and Language Therapist


Specialist Provision at Newlands:

Input targeted on individual needs which can only be delivered by a qualified Speech and Language Therapist.

  • SaLT assessment/review
  • 1:1 Speech and Language Therapy sessions carried out by SaLT working on SaLT targets towards EHCP targets
  • Group sessions carried out by SaLT working on SaLT targets towards EHCP targets
  • SaLT reports
  • SaLT target writing
  • Liaison with parents and advice and strategies to home - useful resources and ideas can be found under our Parents tab - Speech & Language Therapy at Home

Everyone Communicates SALT: Sandra Gregory