Newlands School

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Newlands School

  1. Our Families
  2. Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)

Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA)


Here at Newlands School, we are always looking at ways in which we can improve our work with parents and carers and also establish stronger links within our community. From September 2024 we are working to achieve a nationally recognised award called the LPPA Award. 


Click here to see our progress so far

What is the LPPA Award?

The LPPA award helps schools to work in partnership with all parents and carers. Increasing parental participation in school life leads to improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour. The framework encourages parents to be involved in their children's learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.

At Newlands, we want to ensure that as a school we work effectively with our parents, families, and the local community. As a school we value the support and contribution that parents and carers make to children’s school life, both within and beyond the classroom. The award is founded on research which shows that there is a very positive impact on achievement, behaviour and attendance in schools where parents are supported and therefore engaged in their children’s learning. Feedback from parents and carers is extremely important and we want to hear your views and improve our current practice.

What are the benefits of achieving the award? 

During the process, we hope that we can build on the many strengths our school already has with our parents and families. We believe that it is important to support our families as their children transition through school and beyond. We want to ensure we include all groups of parents in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning, take steps to ensure that our school is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents, provide clear and accessible guidance to help parents support their children’s learning and development, continue to establish effective home–school links and provide clear guidance on the responsibilities of parents, school and pupils, and share this information with parents regularly.

The LPPA will help us achieve these long-term benefits:

  • Contribute to improved pupil attendance, punctuality, behaviour and progress
  • Increase parent participation and involvement
  • Enhance parents’ support in their children’s learning
  • Improve communication between home and school.

How will Newlands achieve the award? 

The first step in our work towards the LPPA award is to create an action plan. This will support us in achieving a specific set of objectives.  These objectives focus primarily on ensuring our school:   

  • Is a welcoming, communicative and friendly place for parents;
  • Promotes the awareness and participation of all groups of parents in supporting their children’s learning and developing their own learning;
  • Provides good induction for all new parents;
  • Provides parents with relevant and user-friendly guidance and information to help them support their child’s learning;
  • Produces and implements parent friendly policies to establish effective home school-links and improve pupil attendance, punctuality and positive participation in school;
  • Provides good support for all parents as their children move through or leave the school.

How can our families help us to gain the award?

We want to keep our families involved throughout the process of gaining the award. You can help us by:

  • Reading all information we send out;
  • Coming along to any events, meetings, workshops we organise;
  • Completing any questionnaires we send out as honestly as you can.

We will keep this webpage updated to inform you of our progress. If you wish to find out more information about the LPPA award, you can visit

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.