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Newlands School

  1. Our Provision
  2. Our Pathways 2024-25
  3. Pathway 2
  4. Elm

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools

March 2025

“Adults must do what is best for me”

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 3


Article 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child states that the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all actions concerning children, ensuring they receive the care and attention they need to thrive.

In Elm Class, we embrace this principle by creating a supportive, individualised learning environment for each child. We make sure every child, regardless of their needs, is given the opportunity to learn, grow, and feel valued. Our class focuses on building a community where kindness, understanding, and respect are at the heart of everything we do. Together, we create a place where everyone’s needs are met, and each child is encouraged to reach their full potential.


Spring 1

February 2025
Last term, Elm Class had a fantastic time exploring a range of exciting and engaging topics! In Science, we discovered amazing animals and learned all about those that live in and around a pond. In Art, we were inspired by the incredible artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo and had lots of fun creating our own artwork using fruit. PE was full of energy as we developed our gymnastics skills, learning to balance, roll, and move to music in creative ways. In English, we immersed ourselves in the wonderful world of fairytales, enjoying The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood through interactive activities that also helped strengthen our fine motor skills. In Maths, we explored numbers by building towers and using Numicon to understand the concept of 1 more and 1 less. We also had lots of fun learning about money, using both real and pretend coins. In PSHE, our topic was Happy, Healthy Me! We learned all about looking after ourselves, including the importance of brushing our teeth. 
It was an enriching term, full of hands-on learning and exciting new experiences!

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools

February 2025

“I have the right to an education”

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 28


In Elm class we believe learning is for everyone! Article 28 of the UN Convention says all children have the right to an education.  We create an inclusive environment where every child feels valued and supported. We share our thoughts and ideas in different ways using our core communication boards, use sensory exploration and promote learning through play. We learn together through group activities and individually at our own pace with support that caters to diverse learning styles to ensure every child can access and engage with the curriculum.



November 2024

In Elm class during our Science lessons we have been learning about the seasons. So far we have learnt about autumn and winter.

We have made autumn and winter trees using different colours of paint onto bare trees. Oranges, reds and yellows for falling leaves and wintery blues and greys for frost on branches.

We have listened to seasons songs, been into our outdoor woods collecting leaves and explored ice in our tuff tray. The children have engaged really well in these lessons and loved exploring new things.


September 2024

In Elm class we love listening to stories. During our Phonics lessons we have been listening to environmental sounds. Our story this week was all about the animals on a farm and the sounds they make. We listened to the story and used the sound buttons to make the animal sounds. We then explored the animal props, linked to the story. We listened to two different sounds and tried to guess which animal made that sound. Some of us were very good at identifying which animal made the sound. Some of us just liked exploring the book and the animals.