Newlands School

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Newlands School

  1. Our Provision
  2. Our Pathways 2024-25
  3. Pathway 2
  4. Pine

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools

January 2025


“I have the right to good quality health care, to clean water, and good food”

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 24


In Pine class we promote article 24 throughout our school day, we have been looking in our science lessons all about what foods keep us healthy and how we need to have a balanced diet. We have also been looking at the different food groups and making food in our food technology lessons relating to the differing groups. We have been shopping to Tesco for our food so we can see all the different healthy options. We also have a choice of snack at snack time from crackers, toast to fruit and we always have a choice of milk or water. To keep us healthy we also have PE lessons each week and have forest school sessions every other week, both are lessons we love in Pine Class.

We also take pride in our classroom and try our very best to tidy up throughout the day and keep it tidy, we enjoy our ‘Tidy up Rhumba song’.




November 2024


In Pine Class we have been enjoying exploring in our Forest School sessions and out on the Minibus. We have created some Autumn artwork using leaves and sticks, as well as some charcoal art. We had to bash up some charcoal, then mix it with water so we could paint on paper. We really enjoyed hitting the charcoal.

We have also enjoyed going to Queens Park on our first minibus trip this half term. We enjoyed climbing, playing on the swings and the slides.


September 2024

In Pine Class, we have enjoyed learning about our phonics sounds. We have used lots of communication aids to say our sounds and then we enjoyed practising the letter formation. We can write letters in flour and on a whiteboard.