Newlands School

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Newlands School

  1. Our Families
  2. Parental Engagement

Parental Engagement

At Newlands School, we really value the positive relationships we have with our parents/carers and families.


We hold regular coffee mornings / afternoons - these are for parent/carers to meet and have a general catch up with other parent/carers in similar situations and to share ideas and support. School staff will also be available to chat and offer guidance.

Some of these sessions will be attended by other agencies such as our school nurse, speech and language and sensory support.

These are parents/carer sessions and we are happy to be advised on who you would like to attend.


Throughout out the school year we love family’s to attend our activity sessions. These might be a fun day, Mother’s Day, Fathers Days, sports day and many more.

Please check you Class Dojo and school newsletter for any upcoming events.


As part of parental engagement we may also need support with fund raising events. In the past we have done family sponsored walks and raffles – we welcome any ideas and help with organisation.

If you need any kind of help and support, please do not hesitate to contact Toni Wolstenholme schools Family Liaison who would be happy to help.