Unicef Rights Respecting Schools
February 2025
“I have the right to an identity”
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 8
This week Waves Class has been exploring how every child has the right to an identity, as stated in Article 8 of the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools framework. This right ensures that children know who they are and feel a sense of belonging within their community.
Our recent educational visits to the library have helped children build confidence in new environments, develop their communication skills, and engage with stories that reflect their unique identities. Similarly, in PE, we focus on teamwork, movement, and self-expression, supporting each child to explore what makes them special while feeling included in group activities.
By integrating these experiences into our curriculum, we empower our pupils to develop a strong sense of self, ensuring they feel valued and respected both in school and the wider world.
Spring 2 - Pirates and Princesses
February 2025
This half term we have had a busy half term with lots of new experiences. This term we have had Live Music Now sessions with Paul. We all love these sessions and engage so well with Paul and have shown great turn taking and anticipation when it has been our turn to play the Ukulele.
We have also started our PE session with Zoe from Manchester City in the Community. This half term in PE we shown great engagement with Zoe and with all the equipment.
For our Pirate and Princess topic we have enjoyed learning about Castles, creating our own Waves Class castle and making crowns using 2D shapes. We especially enjoyed learning about Pirates. We have used communications boards to work on our turn taking skills whilst playing Pop up Pirate, learnt about maps and had fun role playing being Pirates.
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools
January 2025
“I should be supported to live and grow”
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 6
Through our EYFS curriculum we support our children to live and grow in all aspects of their development. We develop our fine motor skills with activities such as painting, cutting and threading, and our gross motor skills through sessions including Write Dance and PE.
We learn about the world around us during our class trips on the minibus to explore local parks and shops. We develop independence skills by learning to make choices, communicating things we would like, using utensils to spread, mix, cut, and eat our dinner using a knife and fork. During PSHE sessions we begin to recognise the important people around us, practice brushing our teeth, and dressing ourselves.
Autumn 1- My Family and Me.
October 2024
Our first Topic in Waves Class, we have been learning about all that makes us special and learning about all our different families.
We have been exploring our new Classroom and experiencing all the new provision to find out what our favourite toys and activities are to explore when in Continuous Provision. We have also been using our Food Technology sessions to explore our favourite foods and exploring new foods and textures.
We have LOVED our Bucket time sessions! During these sessions we have been learning about our body parts, our emotions and the different houses that people can live in.
One of our first activities was to paint pictures of ourselves we enjoyed using different types of mirrors to explore the features on our faces. Then, thanks to the pictures from home we have been learning about how all families are different and who is in our families. The children have been learning how to use a scissor block to cut out our family pictures carefully. We then used symbols to match to our family members. This term we introduced teeth brushing and have had fun learning about how we clean our teeth. We especially all enjoy sitting together to brush our teeth to the music.
All throughout the term we have been exploring symbols. We have been using lots of communication boards modelled by staff to teach the children how to request favourite items and songs. We especially enjoy our number songs in Waves Class. This songs have been helping us to learn our numbers to 5. Wave’s children really enjoy our Maths activities especially as they link to their favourite songs.
Our first half term ended with lots of fun HALLOWEEN activities. We have enjoyed getting messy and exploring new textures and makings lots of Halloween crafts.
We have had such a fun first Half Term in Waves :)
Our first full week in school
September 2024
During our first full week in Waves Class we have been working lots on our Literacy Skills. We loved our first Write Dance session where we used shaving foam to make marks, to help develop our skills for writing. We have also explored chalk, paint and crayons to see what marks we can make. In Phonics we have been exploring environmental sounds. We have been matching animal sounds and made ‘listening ears’ ready for our listening walk. We love exploring books together and have enjoyed exploring symbols to help us to communicate.