Our Pathways
Our curriculum is organised into three pathways. We have 13 classes.
For every pathway, we set short term targets that link directly with the child’s needs as outlined in the 4 key areas of their Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), which are; Cognition and learning, Communication and interaction, Social, emotional and mental health as well as Physical, sensory and medical needs
Pathway 1
Reception and Year 1 children.
Pupils can be on this pathway for up to 2 years following EYFS principles and acting as an assessment phase for deciding whether to move on to Pathway 2 or 3.
Pathway 2
Key Stage 1 and 2.
Pupils with either high levels of social communication and sensory processing needs or complex health and profound and multiple learning difficulties. Where pupils have individual
strengths or talents, they may access some learning in Pathway 3.
Pathway 3
Key Stage 1 and 2.
Pupils working towards subject specific learning by accessing the National Curriculum below their chronological age and with additional steps added into their curriculum to support this.