Unicef Rights Respecting Schools
January 2025
‘I have the right to choose my own religion and thoughts.’
UNICEF Rights of the Child Article 14.
During our RE sessions this half term, the children in Mountain Ash Class are thinking about why people pray. We have spoken about why people who practise different religions pray and have thought about thanks and what we are thankful for.
Today, we have looked at how people who practise Christianity, Hinduism and Islam pray. We have listened to the ‘Lord’s Prayer’ (Christian), ‘Gayatri Mantra’ (Hindu) and ‘Call to Prayer’ (Islam), practised different prayer positions and movements and explored a Muslim prayer mat and beads.
Well done Mountain Ash
Autumn 1
The children in Mountain Ash have settled well into class and have already developed friendships and established routines.
Our topic this half term has been 'Roman Rule' and we have learned some facts about Rome, thought about how important water is to the Roman Empire, played some Roman games (including chase and noughts and crosses), explored some real Roman artefacts, made a Roman shield and enjoyed a Roman banquet. We also make fantastic Romans ourselves.
During our English lessons we have worked very hard during our Read Write Inc phonics sessions and are not only learning new sounds but developing our blending, understanding of rhyme. syllables and alliteration and developing our listening skills. In our maths session, we have shown off our knowledge of sequences / patterns and completed some work on 2D and 3D shape. During our Science lessons, we have explored states of matter and during food technology we have looked at using the same ingredients (lemon, bread and carrot) in both a savoury and sweet dish.
We look forward to our 'Celebrations around the World' topic next half term.
October 2024
During this half term, the children in Mountain Ash Class worked hard during phonics sessions. We have completed listening activities, including playing rhyming and syllable games, have worked on recognising and forming letters and using our knowledge of the sounds they represent to read and spell words.
We have also fostered our love of reading through afternoon story sessions.