We are learning.....
March 2025
This half term, we have been learning about the world around us. We have focused on the story ' What a Wonderful World' and explored each of the story including the sky, flowers and water. We have been taking a trip to Burrs Country Park to notice features of our environment and have been going on nature walks on the school grounds. We have started to notice patterns in our environments and then create 2 and 3 factor patterns in Maths. W are working on letter sounds in Phonics and some of us have started to read and match some simple words. We have also started to explore the beebots in Computing ( UTW). In PSE, We have been identifying ourselves and working on using communication boards to greet an adult.
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools
February 2025
“I have the right to an identity”
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 8
In Sun Class, we have been working on recognising our own identities in our greeting time and PSHE sessions, this has included recognising photos pf ourselves, responding to our names and using mirrors to look at our features. We complete greeting sessions every morning and afternoon, where we are individually greeted and our name is used to build up familiarity. This week we have been finding pour own image from a choice of two!
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools
January 2025
“I should be supported to live and grow”
Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 6
Our EYFS curriculum is designed to support our children to live and grow in all aspects of their development. In EYFS, we are supported to grow through our PSHE sessions, where we learn to dress, try new foods, brush our teeth and engage in shared play- learning how to turn take. This week we have celebrated a peers birthday too! We are supported to develop our independence through snack and food technology.
In Sun Class, we have started our new topic Pirates- we have been given the opportunity to engage in small world imaginative play and acquire new vocabulary supported by actions, songs and symbols. We have introduced 2D shapes and used familiar objects to create pictures, whilst naming the shapes.
November 2024
In Number, we have been continuing to look at numerals to ten and counting carefully to match numeral and quantity. We have been practising forming some of our numbers and also enjoying Number songs.
In Shape, Space and Measure, we have been using peg puzzles to find different shapes.
This half term we have started to explore different measurements; we have been using water, lentils and flour to discover capacity and measuring different objects to identify long and short!
English in Sun Class
November 2024
In our Communication and Language sessions, Sun Class have been exploring using symbols, to answer questions about different images and stories that we have read. The children have worked well to tap, point and match symbols.
In Phonics, we have been exploring environmental sounds; naming different instruments and guessing which instrument has been played. Some of us have now started our Read, Write Inc. journey looking at the letter sounds M,A and S.
In writing, We have been practising our fine motor skills in dough disco and our gross motor skills in Physical activities such as climbing, ribbons and yoga- we have enjoyed lots of mark making,
Our first full week in school
September 2024
Sun Class have started daily Phonics lessons and have been looking at animal sounds. We have also enjoyed sharing books and stories and using symbols to communicate what we see! We have been developing our early writing skills through mark making, funky fingers and gross motor work out!