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Newlands School

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  2. Events 2024-25

Events 2024-25


Science Week

March 2025

Earlier this term we celebrated Science Week with lots of hands-on, sensory activities that engaged all our pupils! Each class explored different science themes through interactive experiments, helping children experience the wonder of discovery.

Our pupils loved investigating light and shadows, making fizzy volcanoes, exploring Science in the outdoors, and exploring textures through messy play. There were plenty of opportunities to use switches, explore cause and effect, and communicate discoveries in their own way.

The week was filled with curiosity, excitement, and lots of smiles!  We can’t wait for more scientific adventures next year!

Teach Rex

March 2025

We had an incredible start to Science Week with a visit from Teach Rex, who brought some life-sized dinosaurs to meet the children! </div>
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Happy Healthy Week

February 2025

“I have the right to meet with friends and join groups”

Unicef  Rights Respecting Schools Article 15

During Happy Healthy Week, pupils across the school have been learning about the importance of staying active, making healthy choices, and working together. This special week also reflects Article 15 of the UNCRC, which states that every child has the right to meet with others and join groups, as long as it does not harm others.

A key part of the week has been joint activities across classes, where children have come together to take part in group games, sensory exercises, and climbing wall sessions. These shared experiences help to develop communication, teamwork, and friendships, ensuring that all pupils feel included and valued.

By working and learning together, our pupils are not only developing important life skills but also experiencing the joy of belonging to a supportive school community. Happy Healthy Week celebrates every child's right to connect with others, build relationships, and enjoy   learning in a safe and inclusive environment.



School Games Bowling Competition

February 2025

“I have the right to meet with friends and join groups”

Unicef Rights Respecting Schools Article 15


On Wednesday 12th February some children from Newlands School went to Hollywood Bowl in Bolton for the County Final of the Panathlon Bowling challenge, having qualified in second place in the Rochdale heat in November. All of the children were amazing ambassadors for Newlands School and tried their very best. The children all had the opportunity to engage with children from other schools. Of all the primary schools representing different areas of Greater Manchester, Newlands came in 3rd place so went away with bronze medals and a fantastic trophy. Also, one of our children was the 2nd best bowler of the tournament!



December 2024

This week has been a very busy week in school, with lots of festivities. The  children and staff enjoyed Christmas dinner, and classes held their parties, with a special visit from Father Christmas.

Children have also been busy making Christingles in preparation for our Christingle    services on Friday afternoon.


Christmas Performances

December 2024

This week we have loved sharing our Christmas performances with our families. All the children worked so hard preparing and practicing. Thank you to all those families who were able to join us on the day.


Maths Stay & Play - EYFS & KS1

November 2024

On Thursday we held our Maths Stay & Play session for EYFS & KS1. It was lovely to see so many of our families who were able to join us for this. Everyone had a brilliant time exploring lots of different activities and exploring ways of using maths within our play.


School Games Bowling Competition

November 2024

On Friday 15th November , another group of representatives for our school took part in a School Games Bowling Competition at Sandbrook Park. Our school competed against 17 other schools, and we are    extremely proud to say we came away with a Silver medal!!

Individually, just 4 students from across the whole competition became part of the ‘100 Club’ - scoring an individual total of more than 100 points. We are thrilled to say that Joshua was one of these—what an amazing achievement!


One City Football League

November 2024

On Wednesday 13th November, our school representatives headed to Manchester City's Etihad Stadium for the second fixture of the One City Football League. Once again our students were fabulous ambassadors for our school, taking part in a series of training sessions and matches. Well done everyone! 

Halloween Disco

October 2024

On Thursday 24th October we held our annual Halloween disco. Once again this was a massive success, with a very busy hall, and lots of families enjoying themselves!

We had our tuck shop—with some very special donations from one of our families—, as well as face painting, party games, and of course lights and music.

There was some fabulous costumes too. Thankyou so much to everyone who was able to join us for this event—we raised £156.55 for school fund.


One City Football League

September 2024

On 25th September a group of children represented our school in the One City Football League at the Etihad Stadium. The pupils had a fantastic time, and were great ambassadors for our school. They got to take part in a series of games, worked on teamwork and resilience, and even got to meet a few famous faces!