Newlands School

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Newlands School

We have a couple of vacancies across our team. For further information and to apply please go to the Our Team - Vacancies page

  1. Our Provision
  2. Classes 2023-24
  3. Blue Class

Summer Trip

June 2024

Blue Class had an amazing day trip to Lytham St Annes. They enjoyed a paddle in the paddling pool followed by a picnic lunch and a play on the sand. Then we enjoyed an ice-cream before heading home.


Summer 1 Jungle Animals

May 2024

Last term Blue Class worked hard in all subject areas. In maths some of the children have been ordering Numicon Shapes and numerals up to 10. While others have been writing their own number stories using addition and subtraction. In maths we have also enjoyed a hunt for jungle animals in the woods which we marked off on our tally charts.

We have been developing our fine and gross skills whilst practising some tricky moves in Yoga.

We have had fun playing in the mud kitchen at playtimes with our friends.

Summer 1

April 2024

This week in Blue class we have been very busy. We have been practising our phonic set 1 sounds and recapping on our maths skills. We have enjoyed relaxing taking part in tac Pac and we became scientists, enjoying making rain through clouds in our experiment. On Wednesday we enjoy using other areas in our school, such as the light room (and interactive white board) and our soft play area. In the Afternoon we go to our chosen enrichment groups where we interact with other children from other classes. 


Science & Industry Museum

March 2024

As a special end to our very busy and exciting Science Week, Blue Class spent the morning at the Manchester Science and Industry Museum.  The children were all fantastic during our trip and were really keen to explore all the different interacting displays and experiments.  We were able to see what happens to our body inside when we move with the cycling skeleton.  We explored how air can change how things move, how sound is made and so much more.
Visits to the museum are free and it would be lovely to hear if any of Blue Class visit in the holidays too.  We plan to go back and see what we can remember next term. 

Busy Blue Class

November 2023


Blue Class has been very busy since September making new friends. We have been working hard and progressing in all subject areas. We have been litter picking heroes and have paid our respects to the heroes that fought for us in the World Wars.

Blue Class Litter Heroes

November 2023


Blue Class have been learning about looking after the environment. We have looked at the devastating effect litter can have on animals and the environment. We put on our high-vis jackets and became litter heroes for the afternoon. We cleaned up the playground.