Newlands School

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Waverley Road, Middleton, Manchester, M24 6JG

0161 655 0220

Newlands School

  1. Gallery
  2. Enrichment 2023-24
  3. We Can Cook

We Can Cook

In our 'We Can Cook' enrichment group, we have been exploring different ingredients and learning new skills such as chopping, grating, stirring and cracking an egg! Over the last few weeks, we have made Fruit Kebabs, Lemon Cake, Smoothies and Bonfire Apples. This week, we investigated different vegetables and made a vegetable stir fry, these were sent home- we hope you enjoyed! Over the last few weeks we have been trying our creations in the session and then communicating our likes and dislikes. We are really proud of how the children have grown in independence and engagement.